Back at the cathedral in Hereford, we found colour flowing in through the windows even though it was a dull day. The stained glass windows seemed to capture the little light there was. The majority were typical of such windows found in any church building anywhere in the UK …..
……. but a few were very different indeed. These were of recent design with a original art work and a style and technique we had never seen before.
Hereford is famed for being the home of one of the most famous of ancient maps ever produced, the Mappa Mundi. The detail was amazing and it was hard to imagine that this was the work of someone’s imagination. How could it have been conceived? Other ancient books were displayed in glass topped cases.
The craft of wood carving is not left out, as we discovered fine examples on misericords and chair backs.
The smith was not left out either. We found these very detailed carvings on gates at the entrance to a walkway within the cathedral.
Our final craft we discovered was the work of the stonecarvers. These two dragons topped off pillars in a tiny chapel.
Once back outside we were disappointed not to be able to walk around the the building to view it from all sides but we were very pleased to find a courtyard containing this beautiful piece of sculpture and close by some intricate ironwork on a pair of gates.
As we returned to the car we found a few interesting buildings left in the centre of the city. A row of old cottages close to the Cathedral, the Victorian Public Library and an old warehouse now restored and extended to provide modern apartments. So there ends the look at the first cathedral in this little series.